
Vivaldi for Android has been updated. Now in version 3.5, the Vivaldi features a ton more features and even better security features…

Vivaldi today released the latest version of its privacy-focused browser, version 3.5, which brings with it a slew of new features, capabilities, and privacy and security options.

How To Disable WebRTC

With Vivaldi 3.5 installed on Android, you can turn off WebRTC (Web Real-Time communication) which prevents leaking their IP address when using an anonymised (private) VPN.

It will also do things like automatically clear your Android phone’s cache which improves overall performance and speed.

Here’s how it works, according to Vivaldi:

Vivaldi on Android has Broadcast IP for best WebRTC performance enabled by default. But now users can easily disable it and protect their privacy when they use an anonymised (private) VPN.

But turning off this option may result in issues related to performance and site incompatibility for the WebRTC based applications. Hence, users can decide to turn it on or off for the services they trust.

Users can enable this feature in Vivaldi browser Settings. Head to the Privacy section, and uncheck the option that reads “Broadcast IP for Best WebRTC Performance.”

This is a great feature to have in place, especially if you’re working with sensitive documents or stuff that isn’t cleared for public consumption – things like state secrets, embargoed data, and the like.

Many of you want to browse with more privacy. Our features represent what our users want – privacy and efficiency, said Vivaldi CEO Jon von Tetzchner. We continue to provide convenient solutions that our users appreciate.

More Control Over Browsing Data

One of the core beliefs behind the Vivaldi browser is that users should have more control over their data. To this end, the latest version of Vivaldi will clear ALL session browsing data as soon as you exit the app. Just like you can in DuckDuckGo.

Vivaldi For AndroidPin

Inside Vivaldi 3.5, users will be able to manage exactly what is deleted each time they exit the browser. Here’s a breakdown of the stuff you can choose to delete at the end of each browsing session:

  • Browsing history: Clears history and autocompletion in the Address Bar.
  • Cookies and site data: Lets users sign out of most sites.
  • Cached images and files: Frees up cache memory.
  • Close open tabs.

It’s worth noting that this feature is turned off by default. To enable it, simply go to Settings → Privacy → Clear session browsing data on exit. Simple, right?

The other benefit of enabling this feature is that it will free up space inside your phone’s memory which, in turn, will speed up the performance of your device. Plus, your data is gone too – which is great, if you’re concerned about tracking and cookie-based ads.

Improved Notes & Bookmarks

One of the Vivaldi browser’s coolest features is its note-taking and bookmarking capabilities. With note-taking, Vivaldi has massively updated this feature inside version 3.5 of the browser.

In this update, there’s more to the built-in Notes feature. Users can sort notes according to different criteria such as by title, by the date of creation, or even by content. Additionally, Notes can be reordered manually.

All of your bookmarks and notes will sync across mobile and desktop versions of Vivaldi too, helping you to stay on top of all your research and most important web pages and resources.

You can also manually sort your bookmarks too inside Vivaldi 3.5 which is amazing. I really wish other browsers would adopt – it’s SO useful, if, like me, you have a gazillion bookmarked sites on your browser.

Download Vivaldi today and give the new update a spin, I reckon you’ll really dig it…

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