
Nintendo Switch WiFi & Connectivity Issues: Fixes & Tips

Here’s a quick and simple guide on how to diagnose and fix the most common Nintendo Switch WiFi and connectivity issues

The Nintendo Switch has become a staple in the gaming community, offering a unique blend of handheld and console gaming. Like any other device that relies on internet connectivity, it’s not immune to WiFi and network issues.

And when these types of issues strike, they can end a gaming session in a heartbeat. Most of the time, though, WiFi issues and other, related connectivity issues on the Switch, while complex in their nature, can usually be fixed pretty quickly.

Nintendo Switch WiFi Not Working? Here’s Some Fixes…

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If you’re experiencing connectivity problems on your Nintendo Switch, this detailed but easy to follow guide covers off and explains all the most common Nintendo Switch WiFi and connectivity issues and, most importantly, how to fix them.

Check Router Compatibility

Why It Matters

Router compatibility is often overlooked but is crucial for a stable connection. Ensure that your router supports the 802.11b/g/n/ac standards and WEP, WPA, or WPA2 security modes.

How to Check

  1. Refer to your router’s manual or visit the manufacturer’s website to check for compatibility.
  2. If you’ve recently upgraded your router, ensure it is backward-compatible.

For more tips on optimizing your Nintendo Switch, check out this guide on improving battery life.

Verify Nintendo Network Status

Why It Matters

Sometimes the issue isn’t with your WiFi but with the Nintendo Network itself.

How to Verify

  1. Visit the Nintendo Operational Status and Maintenance Information page.
  2. Use websites like istheservicedown.com to see if others are reporting issues.

Check Nintendo Switch Settings

Your Nintendo Switch settings can significantly impact your connectivity experience. Incorrect settings can lead to a range of issues, from weak signals and intermittent connectivity to complete loss of WiFi access.

Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your device’s settings are optimized for a stable and robust connection.

Factors to Consider

Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode disables all wireless communications, including WiFi. Make sure this setting is turned off when you’re trying to connect to the internet.

WiFi Range

The distance between your Nintendo Switch and the router can affect the strength and stability of your connection. For optimal performance, it’s best to be in the same room or at least within a close range of the router.

Network Configuration

Your Nintendo Switch should be set to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS settings. Manual configurations can lead to connectivity issues if not done correctly.

Proxy Settings

Unless you’re using a VPN or other specialized network setup, the proxy settings on your Nintendo Switch should be set to “Off.”

MTU Settings

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size can also affect your connectivity. The default is usually 1400, which works well for most users. However, you may need to adjust this based on your specific network requirements.

How to Check

  1. Make sure you are within range of the WiFi network.
  2. Ensure that Airplane Mode is turned off.

For more information on Nintendo Switch settings, read this comprehensive buying guide.

Restart the Router

Routers can encounter issues that a simple restart can fix. These issues can range from minor glitches, such as temporary slowdowns in internet speed, to more severe problems like complete network outages.

A router acts as the central hub for your home’s internet connectivity, and just like any other electronic device, it can benefit from a “fresh start.”

Restarting your router can clear its internal memory, recalibrate its settings, and re-establish connections with your modem and your Nintendo Switch.

Common Router Issues That a Restart Can Fix

IP Conflicts

Sometimes, multiple devices on the same network may end up with the same IP address, leading to conflicts and connectivity issues. Restarting the router can often resolve this by assigning new IP addresses.


Routers can overheat when they’ve been running for an extended period, affecting their performance. A quick restart can help the router cool down and function more efficiently.

Firmware Glitches

Firmware controls the router’s settings and functions. Occasionally, bugs or glitches in the firmware can cause connectivity issues, which a restart can often fix.

Cache Overload

Routers store cache data to speed up certain processes. Over time, this cache can become overloaded, causing the router to slow down or malfunction. A restart can clear the cache and improve performance.

How to Restart

  1. Locate the Power Button: Find the power button on the back of your router. Some routers may not have a power button, in which case you’ll need to unplug it.
  2. Turn Off the Router: Press the power button to turn off the router or unplug it from the wall socket.
  3. Wait: Give it about 30 seconds to a minute. This allows time for the router’s capacitors to fully discharge, ensuring a complete restart.
  4. Turn It Back On: Press the power button again to turn the router back on, or plug it back into the wall socket.
  5. Check Connectivity: Once the router has fully rebooted, which may take a couple of minutes, check your Nintendo Switch to see if the connectivity issues have been resolved

Test WiFi and Internet with Another Device

Why It Matters

To isolate the issue, test the network with another device.

How to Test

  1. Connect a smartphone or laptop to the WiFi network.
  2. Check for connectivity issues.

Restart/Reset the System

A system restart can resolve many connectivity issues on your Nintendo Switch. Just like any other computer or smart device, the Nintendo Switch operates on complex software that can sometimes experience glitches or conflicts.

These issues can affect various functionalities, including WiFi connectivity.

A restart acts like a “soft reset,” helping to clear temporary files and close background processes that might be causing problems.

Types of Issues a System Restart Can Fix

Software Glitches

Sometimes, minor software glitches can disrupt the normal functioning of your device, including its ability to connect to WiFi networks. A restart can often resolve these glitches.

Memory Leaks

Over time, running multiple applications or games can lead to memory leaks, which can slow down your system and affect its performance, including connectivity. A restart can help clear the system’s memory.

Failed Updates

If your Nintendo Switch recently went through a system update and you’re experiencing connectivity issues, a restart can sometimes resolve any conflicts or errors that occurred during the update process.

Synchronization Issues

If your Nintendo Switch is having trouble synchronizing data with the cloud or other devices, a restart can often solve these issues by re-initializing the connection protocols.

How to Restart or Reset Your Nintendo Switch

  1. Navigate to System Settings: From the home screen on your Nintendo Switch, go to the System Settings icon and select it.
  2. Scroll Down to Power Options: On the left sidebar, scroll down until you find “Power Options” and select it.
  3. Choose Restart or Reset: You will see options for “Restart” and “Turn Off.” Choose “Restart” to perform a soft reset. If you believe a more thorough reset is needed, you can choose “Turn Off” and then manually turn the device back on after a few seconds.
  4. Confirm and Wait: After confirming your choice, wait for the system to complete the restart process. This usually takes a few minutes.
  5. Test Connectivity: Once your Nintendo Switch has restarted, test your internet connection to see if the issue has been resolved.

Change Wireless Security Settings

Changing the security settings on your router can sometimes resolve connectivity issues with your Nintendo Switch.

The type of security protocol your router uses can affect how devices connect to it. Some older routers or those with outdated firmware may use security protocols that are not fully compatible with newer devices like the Nintendo Switch.

Conversely, your Nintendo Switch may have settings that are not fully compatible with the security protocols on your router.

Types of Security Protocols

  • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): This is an older security protocol that is generally considered less secure. Some newer devices may have issues connecting to a network secured with WEP.
  • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access): This is an improvement over WEP but is still considered less secure than WPA2. However, it’s more compatible with older devices.
  • WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2): This is currently the most secure and commonly used WiFi security protocol. It’s recommended for all networks but may have compatibility issues with older devices.
  • WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3): This is the newest and most secure protocol but is not yet widely supported. If your router and Nintendo Switch both support it, using WPA3 can provide the most secure connection.

How to Change Security Settings

  1. Access Router Settings: Open a web browser on a device connected to the same network as your Nintendo Switch. Enter your router’s IP address into the address bar to access its settings.
  2. Login: Use the username and password for your router to log in. If you haven’t changed these, they are often found on a sticker on the router or in its manual.
  3. Navigate to Security Settings: The location of these settings varies by router brand and model, but they are usually under a tab or section labeled “Wireless,” “Wireless Settings,” or “Security.”
  4. Change Security Protocol: Look for an option that lets you change the security protocol. It may be a dropdown menu or a list of selectable options. Change it to a different protocol, save your settings, and restart the router.
  5. Reconnect Nintendo Switch: After your router restarts, go to the WiFi settings on your Nintendo Switch and try connecting to the network again.

Restart the Nintendo Switch Console

A simple console restart can sometimes fix WiFi issues on your Nintendo Switch. While it may seem like a basic solution, restarting your console can be surprisingly effective in resolving various types of connectivity problems.

This is because a restart clears the system’s RAM, stops all running processes, and starts them anew, essentially giving your console a fresh start.

This can be particularly useful if your Nintendo Switch has been running for an extended period and has accumulated minor errors that could be affecting its performance.

Types of WiFi Issues a Console Restart Can Fix

Signal Drops

If your Nintendo Switch is experiencing frequent drops in WiFi signal, a console restart can help re-establish a stable connection.

Slow Internet Speeds

If you’re facing slower-than-usual download or upload speeds, a quick restart can sometimes resolve these issues by resetting any background tasks that might be hogging bandwidth.

Connection Timeouts

If your console is struggling to connect to the internet or frequently timing out, a restart can often solve these issues by resetting the internal network adapter.

Error Messages

If you’re receiving error messages related to network connectivity, a restart can often clear these errors and allow you to reconnect successfully.

How to Restart Your Nintendo Switch Console

  1. Press the Home Button: Press the Home button on your Nintendo Switch to go to the main menu.
  2. Navigate to Power Menu: Scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar on the right and select “Power Options.”
  3. Choose Restart: You’ll see two options: “Restart” and “Power Off.” Select “Restart” to perform a soft reset of your console.
  4. Wait for the Console to Restart: After selecting “Restart,” your Nintendo Switch will go through a brief restart process, which usually takes a minute or two.
  5. Reconnect to WiFi: Once the console has restarted, go to the WiFi settings and try connecting to your network again to see if the issue has been resolved.

Power Cycle the Network

Restarting your modem and router can refresh the network and resolve a variety of connectivity issues affecting your Nintendo Switch.

This process, known as “power cycling,” essentially reboots your network hardware and can be particularly effective in clearing any internal caches, resetting configurations, and re-establishing internet connections.

It’s a simple yet powerful troubleshooting step that can often solve problems that are not immediately obvious.

Types of Network Issues a Power Cycle Can Fix

Intermittent Connectivity

If your Nintendo Switch is losing its connection to the internet sporadically, a power cycle can help establish a more stable connection by clearing any existing glitches in the network hardware.

Slow Network Speeds

If you’re experiencing slow download or upload speeds on your Nintendo Switch, power cycling your network hardware can often improve network performance.

High Latency

High latency or “lag” can ruin the online gaming experience. Power cycling can sometimes reduce latency by resetting the data routes between your Nintendo Switch and the game servers.

DNS Errors

Domain Name System (DNS) errors can prevent your Nintendo Switch from connecting to online services. Restarting your modem and router can often resolve these issues by forcing the devices to request new DNS addresses.

How to Power Cycle Your Network

  1. Identify Your Hardware: Locate your modem and router. These may be separate devices or combined into one, depending on your network setup.
  2. Disconnect Power: Unplug both the modem and the router from their power sources. If you’re using a device that combines both functions, you’ll only need to unplug that one device.
  3. Wait: Allow at least 30 seconds to 1 minute for the devices to fully power down. This ensures that all internal caches are cleared and settings are reset.
  4. Reconnect Power: Plug the modem back into its power source and wait for it to fully restart. This usually involves waiting for all the indicator lights to stabilize. If you have a separate router, plug it back in once the modem has fully restarted.
  5. Check Network Status: After both devices have restarted, check the network status on your Nintendo Switch to see if the connectivity issues have been resolved.

Wrapping Up…

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As we’ve explored in this comprehensive guide, there are multiple things to consider when troubleshooting connectivity issues on your Nintendo Switch. Some are more complex and involved than others but nine times outta ten, your WiFi issues will be related to what we’ve covered above.

Here’s a quick summary of all the issues and fixes discussed in this guide:

  • Router Compatibility: Ensuring your router is compatible with your Nintendo Switch is the first step in establishing a stable connection. Learn more about improving battery life for an optimized experience.
  • Nintendo Network Status: Sometimes, the issue might not even be on your end. Checking the operational status of the Nintendo Network can save you a lot of unnecessary troubleshooting.
  • Device Settings: Your Nintendo Switch settings can significantly impact your connectivity. From Airplane Mode to MTU settings, each option needs to be configured correctly for optimal performance.
  • Router Restart: A simple restart of your router can solve a myriad of issues, from IP conflicts to cache overloads. Never underestimate the power of turning it off and on again.
  • Testing with Another Device: Before diving deep into troubleshooting, it’s wise to isolate the issue by testing the network with another device.
  • System Restart: A quick restart of your Nintendo Switch can resolve many connectivity issues, from software glitches to memory leaks.
  • Security Settings: Sometimes, the issue might be with the security settings on your router. Changing these can often resolve compatibility issues.
  • Console Restart: Last but not least, a simple restart of your Nintendo Switch can resolve various types of WiFi issues, from signal drops to slow internet speeds.
  • Power Cycle: When all else fails, a complete power cycle of your network can often resolve lingering issues by refreshing your network hardware.

Connectivity issues – especially WiFi ones – can be frustrating, but they’re usually solvable with a bit of troubleshooting. This guide has equipped you with a variety of strategies to ensure that your Nintendo Switch stays connected, allowing you to focus on what’s most important: enjoying your gaming experience.

And if none of the above fixes work, it might be time to contact Nintendo (or your ISP)…

Kurt Langston

AI expert with a passion for making complex concepts accessible to all. With over eight years of experience in the field, he has honed his expertise in machine learning and AI, becoming a trusted voice in the industry. Kurt currently serves as the Head of AI News Coverage and Content at KnowYourMobile, a leading online platform for mobile technology news and reviews. In this role, he oversees the production of insightful articles, tutorials, and guides, helping readers navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI tools and technologies

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