
How To Clean Silicon Phone Cases: A Pro’s Guide For Beginners

In this quick and simple guide, we’ll show you how to clean a silicon phone case properly – including what cleaning products to use and how often you should clean it.

In today’s world, our smartphones are more than just devices; they’re extensions of ourselves. And just like we take care of our personal hygiene, it’s equally vital to maintain the cleanliness of our phone cases.

Why? Because like anything else phone cases have a nasty habit of picking up things – germs, bacteria, and other types of gross matter (hello, dead skin). And while some of the best phone cases on the market come with anti-bacteria coatings, you’ll still want to do a regularly deep-clean.

This guide will walk you through the process of cleaning and disinfecting your silicone phone case, ensuring it’s not just visually appealing, but also free from harmful germs and bacteria.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning

Silicone phone cases, while durable and flexible, are notorious for attracting dirt and germs. Regular cleaning not only keeps your case looking brand new but it’ll also keep your phone case free from any nasty germs and/or bacteria for longer potentially preventing you from getting ill.

How often should you clean your silicon phone case? Aim to give your case a thorough clean once a month and a quick disinfection at least once a week.

What You’ll Need…

  1. Dish Soap: A gentle cleaning agent that can effectively remove dirt and grime from your case.
  2. Warm Water: Used to create your cleaning solution and rinse off the soap.
  3. Cup or Bowl: To mix your cleaning solution in.
  4. Soft-Bristled Toothbrush: Ideal for scrubbing away dirt and grime, especially in the hard-to-reach corners of your case.
  5. Baking Soda: A natural cleaning agent that can help remove stubborn stains.
  6. Disinfecting Wipes or Isopropyl Alcohol: For disinfecting your case and killing bacteria. If using isopropyl alcohol, you’ll also need cotton swabs or balls to apply it.
  7. Microfiber Cloth or Paper Towels: To dry your case after cleaning and rinsing.
  8. A Clean, Dry Space: To let your case air dry completely after cleaning.

Now you have all the implements at hand, let’s dig into the actual process and method for cleaning your silicon phone case.

How To Clean Silicon Phone Cases

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Monthly Deep Clean

  • Step 1: Case Removal – Before you start the cleaning process, it’s essential to remove the case from your phone. Be gentle to avoid damaging the silicone.
  • Step 2: Preparing the Cleaning Solution – A simple yet effective cleaning solution can be made using warm water and dish soap. Mix 1-2 drops of dish soap into a cup of warm water until it’s slightly foamy.
  • Step 3: Scrubbing the CaseA clean toothbrush makes an excellent tool for scrubbing your case. Dip it into the soapy water and scrub your case in small circular motions, paying special attention to stained or dirty areas.
  • Step 4: Dealing with Stubborn Stains – For those stubborn stains or patches of dirt, a pinch of baking soda can work wonders. Sprinkle it onto the affected area and continue scrubbing with the toothbrush.
  • Step 5: Rinsing and Drying – Once you’re done scrubbing, rinse the case under warm water, ensuring all soap and baking soda residues are washed off. Pat dry with a paper towel and let it air dry completely before reattaching it to your phone.

Weekly Disinfection

  • Step 1: Case Removal – Just like with the deep clean, start by removing your phone from its case.
  • Step 2: Wipe Down – Use a disinfecting wipe to clean both the inner and outer surfaces of the case. Let it dry completely before putting your phone back in.
  • Step 3: Alternative Disinfection Method – If you don’t have disinfecting wipes, isopropyl alcohol can be a great alternative. Apply it to a cotton swab or ball and swipe it over your case.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Products for Your Silicone Phone Case

Maintaining the cleanliness of your silicone phone case is a delicate balance. It’s not just about removing dirt and germs; it’s also about preserving the integrity of the material.

Silicone is a robust and flexible material, but it can be damaged by harsh cleaning agents. Therefore, it’s essential to avoid household cleaners, window cleaners, products containing ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, aerosol sprays, and solvents.

So, what should you use instead?

Here’s a list of recommended products that are safe for cleaning your silicone phone case:

Dish Soap

Dish soap is a gentle yet effective cleaning agent that can remove dirt and grime from your silicone phone case without damaging it. Brands like Dawn or Palmolive are often recommended due to their gentle formula.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural cleaning agent that can help remove stubborn stains from your phone case. It’s non-abrasive and safe to use on silicone.

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, is excellent for disinfecting your phone case. It kills bacteria and evaporates quickly, leaving no residue behind.

Disinfecting Wipes

Disinfecting wipes, such as those from Clorox or Lysol, are convenient for quick clean-ups and disinfection. However, ensure they don’t contain bleach, as it can discolor your case.

Microfiber Cloth

A microfiber cloth is perfect for wiping down your phone case after cleaning. It’s soft, so it won’t scratch or damage the silicone, and it’s excellent at absorbing water, ensuring your case dries quickly.

Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

A soft-bristled toothbrush is ideal for scrubbing away dirt and grime, especially in those hard-to-reach corners of your phone case.

Remember, the key to cleaning your silicone phone case is to be gentle and patient. Allow the cleaning agents to do their work, and avoid the temptation to scrub too hard or use harsh chemicals. With the right products and techniques, your phone case will stay clean and in great condition for a long time.

What to Avoid / Things To Keep In Mind

While it’s important to keep your case clean, it’s equally crucial to avoid damaging it in the process. Avoid using harsh cleaning products such as household cleaners, window cleaners, products containing ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, aerosol sprays, and solvents.

And if you need advice on different types of cases, check out our full guide all about the different types of phone cases you can buy and also our guide on the best places to buy phone cases right now.

Jake McEvoy

Jake is a professional copywriter, journalist, and life-long fan of technology. He covers news and user guides for KnowYourMobile.

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