
How To Set Up Parental Controls on Nintendo Switch: A Complete Guide

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up parental controls on your Nintendo Switch using the two main methods: the console itself and the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app

The Nintendo Switch has become a household favorite, offering a wide range of games that appeal to all age groups. While this versatility is one of the console’s strengths, it also raises concerns for parents looking to ensure a safe and age-appropriate gaming environment for their children.

Fortunately, the Nintendo Switch offers robust parental controls to help you manage and monitor your child’s gaming activities.

Whether you’re a first-time Nintendo Switch buyer or a seasoned gamer, understanding how to set up parental controls is crucial for creating a safe gaming environment.

The Nintendo Switch offers two convenient ways to set up these controls: directly through the console or via a dedicated app on your smart device.

Setting Up Parental Controls on the Nintendo Switch Console

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Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to System Settings: From the HOME Menu on your Nintendo Switch console, select “System Settings.”
  2. Access Parental Controls: Scroll down until you highlight “Parental Controls,” then select “Parental Controls Settings.”
  3. Choose Console Setup: Select “Use this Console” to set up parental controls directly on the Nintendo Switch.
  4. Create a PIN: You’ll be prompted to create a four-digit PIN. Enter your chosen PIN and select “OK.”
  5. Set Restriction Levels: Choose the “Restriction Level” based on the age of the user. Options include Teen, Pre-Teen, and Child.
  6. Customize Additional Settings: Here, you can set time limits, restrict online communication, and limit software based on ESRB ratings.

Setting Up Parental Controls Using the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download the App: Install the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
  2. Open the App: Launch the app and select “Use Your Smart Device.”
  3. Link to Console: Follow the on-screen instructions to link the app with your Nintendo Switch console.
  4. Set a PIN: Create a four-digit PIN for the parental controls within the app.
  5. Customize Settings: Within the app, you can set time limits, age restrictions, and even monitor playtime.

Note: Ensure that both your Nintendo Switch console and the Parental Controls app are updated to the latest versions for all features to work correctly.

Restricting Specific Games or Apps

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One of the most valuable features of the Nintendo Switch’s parental controls is the ability to restrict access to specific games or apps based on their Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings.

This ensures that your child is only exposed to content that is appropriate for their age group. Below, we delve into how you can set up these restrictions and what they mean for your child’s gaming experience.

Why Restrict Specific Games or Apps?

The Nintendo Switch offers a wide array of games, ranging from family-friendly titles to games intended for mature audiences.

While this diversity is one of the console’s strengths, it also poses a challenge for parents who want to keep their children’s gaming experiences age-appropriate. Restricting access to certain games or apps based on ESRB ratings allows parents to have more control over the content their children can access.

How to Set Up Game and App Restrictions

  1. Navigate to Parental Controls: From the HOME Menu on your Nintendo Switch console, go to “System Settings” and then scroll down to “Parental Controls.”
  2. Access Parental Controls Settings: Select “Parental Controls Settings,” and then choose “Use this Console” if you’re setting it up directly on the Nintendo Switch.
  3. Enter Your PIN: If you’ve already set up a PIN for parental controls, you’ll be prompted to enter it. If not, you’ll need to create a four-digit PIN.
  4. Go to Software Rating: In the Parental Controls menu, scroll down to the “Restricted Software” option and select it.
  5. Choose ESRB Ratings: Here, you can select which ESRB ratings you want to restrict. For example, you can allow games rated “E for Everyone” while restricting those rated “M for Mature.”
  6. Confirm Settings: Once you’ve selected the appropriate ESRB ratings, confirm your settings. The console will now restrict access to games and apps based on your choices.

Monitoring and Adjustments

It’s a good idea to regularly review the games and apps your child has been using to ensure that the restrictions are still appropriate for their age and maturity level. You can adjust these settings at any time by revisiting the Parental Controls menu and entering your PIN.

Setting Time Limits

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Excessive screen time can lead to a variety of issues, including sleep problems, decreased physical activity, and even academic challenges.

Thankfully, the Nintendo Switch offers a built-in feature that allows parents to set daily or weekly time limits for gaming.

This function is a part of the console’s parental controls and serves as an effective way to manage your child’s screen time.

Below, we explore how to set up these time limits and why they’re beneficial for both parents and children.

The Importance of Time Management in Gaming

While video games can offer educational and social benefits, moderation is key. Setting time limits on your child’s gaming activities can help balance their recreational screen time with other important activities like homework, physical exercise, and family time.

It also encourages healthier gaming habits and helps prevent gaming addiction.

How to Set Up Time Limits on the Nintendo Switch

  1. Access Parental Controls: From the HOME Menu of your Nintendo Switch, go to “System Settings” and scroll down to “Parental Controls.”
  2. Enter Parental Controls Settings: Select “Parental Controls Settings,” and if you haven’t already set up parental controls, you’ll be prompted to do so.
  3. Input Your PIN: If you’ve previously set up a PIN for parental controls, enter it to access the settings.
  4. Navigate to Play-Time Limits: In the Parental Controls menu, find the option for “Play-Time Limits” and select it.
  5. Choose Time Frame: You can set limits on a daily or weekly basis. For daily limits, you can even specify different time allocations for weekdays and weekends.
  6. Set the Limit: Enter the amount of time you want to allow for gaming. Once the time limit is reached, the Nintendo Switch will send a notification to the player.
  7. Confirm Settings: After setting the time limit, confirm your changes to activate the feature.

Additional Features: Time-Limit Warnings and Lockout

The Nintendo Switch also offers additional features like time-limit warnings, which notify the player a few minutes before their allocated time is up. You can also choose to lock the console once the time limit is reached, requiring a PIN to continue playing.

Monitoring Gaming Habits: How Activity Reports on the Nintendo Switch Keep You Informed

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In addition to setting up parental controls and time limits, the Nintendo Switch offers another layer of oversight for parents: activity reports.

These reports are available both on the console and through the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, providing a comprehensive view of your child’s gaming activities.

This feature allows you to monitor which games are being played and for how long, giving you valuable insights into your child’s gaming habits.

In this section, we’ll explore how to access these activity reports and how they can be a useful tool for parents.

Why Activity Reports Matter

Understanding your child’s gaming habits can offer several benefits. First, it helps you gauge whether the time limits and content restrictions you’ve set are effective. Second, it can serve as a conversation starter about responsible gaming and time management. Finally, it can help you identify any problematic gaming behaviors early on, such as excessive time spent on a particular game.

Accessing Activity Reports on the Nintendo Switch Console

  1. Go to the User Page: From the HOME Menu, select your child’s user icon to access their User Page.
  2. Select ‘Profile’: On the User Page, select the ‘Profile’ option.
  3. View Play Activity: Here, you’ll find a list of games your child has played, along with the total time spent on each game.

Accessing Activity Reports via the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App

  1. Open the App: Launch the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app on your smart device.
  2. Select Your Child’s Profile: Choose the profile you wish to view activity for.
  3. View Reports: The app will display a detailed breakdown of playtime, including which games have been played and for how long.

Additional Features: Real-Time Monitoring and Notifications

The Parental Controls app offers real-time monitoring, allowing you to see what game is currently being played. Some versions of the app also offer push notifications, alerting you when a new game is started.

How to Use the Information

Once you have access to these activity reports, you can:

  • Adjust Time Limits: If you notice too much time is being spent on a particular game, you may want to adjust the daily or weekly time limits.
  • Discuss Gaming Habits: Use the reports as a basis for discussing gaming habits and time management with your child.
  • Review Content Restrictions: If an unexpected game appears on the activity report, it may be time to review and possibly update your content restrictions.


Setting up parental controls on your Nintendo Switch is a straightforward process, whether you prefer to use the console or the dedicated app. By taking these steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for younger players, giving you peace of mind.

For more information on getting the most out of your Nintendo Switch, check out this comprehensive Nintendo Switch Buying Guide.

Richard Goodwin

Richard Goodwin is a leading UK technology journalist with a focus on consumer tech trends and data security. Renowned for his insightful analysis, Richard has contributed to Sky News, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2, and CNBC, making complex tech issues accessible to a broad audience.

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