The quality of your microphone is one of the first things new viewers judge when they open your Twitch stream. We’re here to help make sure those first impressions are worthy of a new subscriber.

So you want to take your Twitch streaming game to the next level? It may seem like an impossible challenge, but don’t worry – we’ve got a great way for you to get started.

Investing in a quality microphone is one of the best ways for gamers and streamers alike to instantly boost their production value.

The 6 Very Best Microphones For Aspiring Twitch StreamersPin

Not sure which mics are really worth it? Don’t waste your hard-earned cash on products that are only good ‘on paper’. We have compiled a list of our top picks for microphones specifically designed with aspiring Twitch streamers in mind.

Read on to learn more about these must-have pieces of equipment, and make sure your viewers and teammates can clearly hear every syllable that leaves your mouth.

The 6 Best Microphones For Twitch Streamers

Not only is audio quality important for communicating with your teammates and your viewers, but the quality of your audio can have a real bearing on the perceived value of the content you create.

You could have the best graphics card around, but if nobody can hear you clearly or there is too much background noise, people aren’t going to care how good your game looks.

Whatever your budget may be, there is a microphone out there that can help you communicate your message loud and clear.

Here are our 5 best microphones for Twitch streamers:

1. Electro-Voice RE20 – $449.00

The RE20 from Electro-Voice is a cardioid moving-coil dynamic microphone featuring a low-frequency roll-off and EV’s proprietary “variable d” design, which eliminates or greatly reduces the proximity effect.

It has become the de facto “standard” in radio broadcasting, but it is also a very adaptable, robust, and affordable high-end streaming microphone.

It’s a real “all around” microphone, so whatever content you like to make, it will pick up every frequency thrown its way.

2. Shure SM7B – $399.00

If you’ve spent a lot of time watching top streamers on Twitch, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the effects of this beauty.

Professional streamers like the Shure SM7B because of its consistent performance, high-quality build, and noise-cancelling technology, which allows for crystal-clear recordings.

This isn’t a microphone for beginners; it’s designed for seasoned streamers and those who plan to make a career out of their broadcasting.

The flat frequency response works well across the board for recording, and the varying responses may be tailored to meet the specific requirements of different kinds of content creation.

Just Chatting? Or trying to communicate the whereabouts of your enemies? Your message will be loud and clear.

3. Rode NT1-A – $199.00

This microphone is sold by Rode in packages that contain a shock mount and an XLR cable and is often purchased by streamers as part of such a package.

When used with a competent preamp, this microphone offers outstanding value for the price. Your voice will be represented both clearly and deeply, with plenty of shine at the frequencies that crave it. It’s easy to adjust the sound to your liking with the help of hardware, software, and acoustic treatment.

4. Shure MV7X – $179.00

Shure MV7X is a single XLR output sporting dynamic microphone. It’s cheap because it doesn’t feel the need to carry unnecessary bells and whistles.

The Shure MV7X has a premium feel, which is to be expected given its inspiration, the Shure SM7B. The microphone, which weighs approximately around 550 grammes, has a sleek design and a professional appearance.

If you’re looking for the greatest feature of the MV7X, you’ll be happy to know it’s the sound. You won’t have to worry about this mic picking up the neighbour’s lawnmower, your mom’s hoover or that distant barking dog

5. Razer Seiren X – $99.99

Razer is a very well-known brand within the gaming and streaming community. They offer mice, mouse pads, keyboards, headsets, speakers, chairs and, of course, microphones.

This high-quality microphone is used by streamers of all sizes on Twitch, who know how important it is to get your message across clearly.

This mic uses a super-cardioid pickup pattern, which is similar to that of a shotgun mic, to capture sound at a narrower angle, so minimising pickup of ambient noise and ensuring that your audience hears every word or sound effect you want to convey.

6. Blue Yeti USB – $98.00

The Yeti X is likely the simplest USB microphone to use effectively for streaming or recording at home. It won’t compare to a professional studio, but it’ll make a great addition to your workspace. It’s the go-to for most new streamers.

As a desktop USB microphone, the Blue Yeti X has a little more body than its rivals. This explains why its forerunner, the Yeti, enjoyed such widespread acclaim among audiophiles who record in their homes.

In addition to its low price, the Yeti provides sound quality that is only marginally inferior to that of a microphone designed for use in a professional recording studio.

Bottom Line

It’s all well and good having one of these great microphones, but you will need the right hardware and software around it to ensure the mic is giving everything it can.

If you choose a condenser microphone, you will need an amplifier or audio interface that has 48v phantom power.

If you use OBS to control your stream, you will need to know the optimal audio settings to ensure your audio is being transmitted correctly. Likewise, if you use any soft audio mixers like VoiceMeeter Banana.

Don’t underestimate the importance of your audio quality, and make sure a significant portion of your streaming budget is dedicated to your microphone and its required counterparts like stands, pop shields and shock mounts.

Prospective viewers will always appreciate the time and money you’ve put into making sure your streams sound amazing.

Jake McEvoy avatar

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