Reddit is one of the most popular social media sites on the planet, and with millions of people following many Subreddits, you’d think the moderators would be compensated, right?
Reddit is a social networking website that allows users to see and exchange links and text articles with others. Images and videos, as well as news and conversation threads, are all included in these entries. Since it was founded back in the summer of 2005, Reddit has become one of the most popular websites in the world, with hundreds of millions of users.
Reddit calls itself “the first page of the internet” because it can always be your first destination no matter what you want to view or learn about online.

Reddit is divided into subreddits, which are online communities. Subreddits are centred on a certain subject, hobby, or belief and have their own sites. You may subscribe to as many subreddits as you like, and postings from those subreddits will appear on your very own personal Reddit homepage.
Reddit is great for a variety of activities, including keeping up with the newest news, trends, memes, and more. It also enables you to identify and join unique groups that you may not be able to find elsewhere on the internet. You may discover subreddits for nearly everything, including subreddits that must be monitored on a regular basis by as many people as it takes to manage a sub of a certain size.
This can be a lot of work, so are these moderators financially compensated for this job?
Do Reddit Mods Get Paid?
While some moderators claim they are paid privately by their specific subReddits, Reddit itself does not pay the moderators of any subreddit. So, if you want to be a moderator, it has to simply be a hobby you’re passionate about.
If you want to be a moderator on Reddit, you’ll have to be willing to perform the job for free, whether it’s because you like being in control or just want to assist others to enjoy their Reddit experience.
Who Can Become A Reddit Moderator?
Being a moderator on Reddit isn’t for everyone as it requires time and patience, which may be tough to pour into an anonymous social media network.
To be a moderator of any form of subReddit, you must be highly active in the community you want to oversee; Reddit likes moderators who are reliable and established subscribers. You should provide useful material and insights to your subreddit on a routine basis.
Reddit moderators should remember that they are there to help the community, not to control it, thus you should be delighted to help any of your community members by answering questions and providing sensible advice whenever needed.
Furthermore, you should have a diplomatic demeanour and be prepared to listen to a legitimate appeal; the finest Reddit moderators shape the community via education, setting good examples, and maintaining an open channel of communication.
Developing yourself as a strong part of your community, getting to know your fellow community members and moderators, and overall being as helpful and pleasant as possible are all excellent strategies to earn a wonderful reputation on Reddit.
How To Become A Reddit Moderator
Let’s talk about how to become a moderator on Reddit if you want to take your Reddit activity to the next level and help others.
On Reddit, there are various methods to become a moderator. Users may become moderators by founding their own subreddit, accepting an invitation from an existing subreddit moderator, or applying directly to Reddit themselves.
The latter method is particularly suitable if you discover a community with no moderators and want to volunteer to help out. However, there appears to be a significant backlog of Reddit mod requests on this hub, so if you’ve submitted one and haven’t heard back, give it some time. Decision responses have been known to take up to a month.
What Can A Reddit Moderator Do?
When it comes to what a Reddit mod can and can’t do, the list of “Can dos” is much longer than the “Can’t dos”. These rules are set by Reddit and are in place to ensure mods can help as much as possible without becoming something of a dictator within the subs they moderate.
Here’s a list of things that Reddit mods can do:
- Add a particular flair to submission titles.
- Approve posts that were mistakenly deleted.
- Create collections of posts.
- Enable “contest mode” for every contribution which conceals all responses to top-level comments, scrambles all comments, and hides the scores for all comments.
- Grant special flairs to particular users.
- Lock comments from receiving further replies.
- Lock threads from receiving further comments.
- Mark posts as “not safe for work” (NSFW)
- Mark posts as potential “spoilers”.
- Remove posts that do not fit the subreddit.
- Remove items for breaking any other rule that has already been implemented.
- Make any user post an announcement to ensure that it remains at the top of the subreddit when you browse the subreddit.
- Suggestions for the default sort for comments that community members will view on a post include best, top, new, controversial, old, or Q&A, in that order.
- Turn on “contest mode” for any submission which automatically hides all replies to top-level comments, scrambles all comments and hides the scores to all comments.
Here’s a list of things that Reddit mods cannot do:
- Ban, remove or delete any subreddits, including their own.
- Create threads or comments that link to pages that do not exist.
- Delete posts or comments in subreddits they do not moderate.
- Edit any submissions or comments made by users.
- Know who reported something on their own subreddit.
- Know who subscribed to their own subreddit.
- Know who voted on their own subreddit.
- Move posts to other subreddits.
- Read private messages between other users.
- View the IP address or any other private information of any users.