Sometimes, when someone is annoying you, the best thing to do is simply block them. In this article, we’re going to describe exactly how to do that on Twitch.

Twitch is a video and gaming streaming platform that is available to anybody over the age of 13 years old. This means that there’s a good chance you’ll encounter chatters that are either much older than you or much younger than you.

It’s nothing new for different generations to disagree on particular things, so when three or four different generations are coming together in what can be quite a competitive environment, there’s bound to be a clash of opinions.

How To Block An Annoying Viewer On TwitchPin

Like with most other platforms and life in general, sometimes it’s best to just ignore those we don’t agree with or find annoying. On Twitch, you can block somebody to make ignoring them much easier.

On this page, you can discover exactly how to block somebody so that you can’t see what they’re saying in chat and they cannot message you privately

How To Block Other Twitch Users

To block another user on Twitch, all you need to do is click on their username in the chat and then click the three dots on the right-hand side which will open a drop-down menu. On this menu, you’ll see the option to “Block [username]”.

Blocking a user achieves a number of things which can help keep your Twitch experience peaceful. By blocking somebody, you filter their messages out of any chat, prevent them from messaging you directly, stop them from following you, stop them from subscribing to you and prevent them from gifting subscriptions in your Twitch channel.

If you only want to ignore somebody in chat but still don’t mind them remaining as a follower, subscribe and don’t mind them gifting subs in your channel, you can just type /ignore [username] in the chat.

How To Report Someone On Twitch

You may report another user to Twitch if they repeatedly violate the rules, harass other users, or claim to be under the minimum age requirement to use the service (13).

You may report another user on Twitch by clicking their name in the chat, clicking the three dots, and then clicking “Report.

Any of the above can be done without having moderator privileges, and they are all strongly suggested as ways to protect your Twitch experience from trolls.

How To Block Strangers On Twitch

Whoever you haven’t followed, who isn’t an editor or moderator in your channel, who you haven’t previously whispered, and who isn’t a partner, Twitch staff member, or Safety Ops expert is a “stranger” on Twitch.

If you turn on the option to “Block Whispers from Strangers,” no random strangers will be able to start a discussion with you in Whisper. This should help you avoid receiving any unwanted spam or abusive messages. You may modify this in your profile’s Security & Privacy settings; it will be enabled by default.

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