Don’t want others to see what you’ve watched on Prime Video? No prob.

Wondering how to delete your Amazon Prime Video viewing history? You can breathe a sigh of relief – it is possible. And that’s a good thing because not all video streaming services let you view or manage your viewing history. While Netflix does let you manage your viewing history, services like Disney Plus do not as of the time of this writing.

But let’s get back to Amazon and fill you in on everything you need to know.

What Is Amazon Prime Video Viewing History?

For those who aren’t familiar with Prime Video, it’s Amazon’s Netflix-like streaming service. If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you automatically get access to Prime Video – which is one of the big benefits of being a Prime subscriber (in addition to the free shipping).

While Netflix and Disney Plus are the bigger names in video streaming, Amazon Prime has a wide selection of movies and TV shows. They also have their own originals, too, the biggest of which will be the Lord of the Rings prequel series coming to the streaming service later this year.

Much like Amazon keeps track of all the items you view on its website (and lets you manage your history), the company also keeps a list of every movie and TV show you watch on its Prime Video service.

This watch history is for the benefit of the user. It’s a place where you can see a reverse-chronological list of everything you’ve watched. This is useful if you forgot the name of a video you watched, but want to see it again. You can simply browse through your watch history to find it.

How To Delete Your Amazon Prime Video Viewing HistoryPin

Amazon Will Always Know Everything You Watched

While you can remove a show or movie from your watch history, so others can’t view it there, even if you do this, Amazon will likely still have a record of your viewing history for themselves. These anylitics allow them to know which content appeals to you.

So just remember: deleting an item from your watch history deletes it from view in your Prime Video account, but it doesn’t delete the record Amazon itself has of you viewing it on their servers.

How To Delete A Movie From Your Amazon Prime Video Watch History

Your Amazon Prime Video watch history keeps track of all the shows and movies you watch in one interface. However, removing a show or a movie from your watch history is a little different. Let’s first take a look at the way you remove a movie from your Amazon Prime Video watch history.

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Once logged in, click the Prime Video menu item in the toolbar on Amazon’s website.
  3. On the Prime Video page (where you see all the content), click the Settings button (it looks like a cog wheel).
  4. In the pop-up menu that appears, click Settings.
  5. If asked, enter your Amazon password again.
  6. On the Account & Settings page, click Watch History.
  7. Find the movie you want to delete, and click the “Delete movie from Watch History” button.

The movie will be removed from your watch history.

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How To Delete TV Shows From Your Amazon Prime Video Watch History

Now let’s take a look at the way you remove a TV show from your Amazon Prime Video watch history.

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Once logged in, click the Prime Video menu item in the toolbar on Amazon’s website.
  3. On the Prime Video page (where you see all the content), click the Settings button (it looks like a cog wheel).
  4. In the pop-up menu that appears, click Settings.
  5. If asked, enter your Amazon password again.
  6. On the Account & Settings page, click Watch History.
  7. Find the TV show you want to delete, and click the “Delete episodes from Watch History” button. This will remove ALL EPISODES of the show in question from your watch history.
  8. However, if you just want to remove a SINGLE EPISODE from your watch history, click the “Episodes Watched” menu beneath the show’s title, and then click the X next to the individual episode you want to remove.

The show or episode will be removed from your watch history.

And check out How Much Does Amazon Prime Cost & Is It Worth It?

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